Oh, The Places My Luggage Will Go!
Day 125, Staying at Home
Saturday, July 25, 2020; Santa Fe, New Mexico
Shanghai! South Africa! Hong Kong! Jakarta! South Korea! Vietnam! Manila!
Even if I can’t have travel adventures during this pandemic, at least my luggage has gotten out and about. I must say I am a bit jealous.
Who would have guessed that today my suitcase would be in Busan, South Korea?

Next stop: Houston! So close to my Dallas home, but alas, my suitcase will sail on to New Orleans, Mobile and finally Miami in late August. From there, it and the hundreds — if not thousands — of other bags we left on the MS Amsterdam in March will go through customs. Then FedEx finally will deliver them home. I’m expecting mine to arrive in mid September.
When I last left you on the saga of our abruptly ended World Cruise, we had to quickly disembark in Perth, Australia, and fly home mere days before the pandemic shut down international flights. Many of us had more than the allowed two checked suitcases. Remember, we had packed for a 128-day cruise through climates ranging from Antarctica to Indonesia and Africa. Upon our planned mid-May return to Fort Lauderdale, many Florida residents would take their excess baggage home by car. FedEx would deliver to the rest of us.
Now Plan B was to leave our extra bags on board so they would return to Florida with the passenger-less ship in May. But things didn’t go that way. Holland America kept the Amsterdam in Asia, slowly repatriating crewmembers over a few months to their home countries of Indonesia and the Philippines. On to Plan C. The cruise line searched for a country that would – in the midst of a pandemic – allow it to offload our luggage into shipping containers. Rather than return to the states, the Amsterdam would wait out the “cruise pause” in Malaysia.
We followed this search for a friendly port thanks to some of my fellow world cruisers, who stayed in touch with officers and crew on the ship. And out of the blue, in early July the Amsterdam headed for Singapore. Crewmembers shared photographs of a barge tied to the Amsterdam with what looked like cages of luggage being offloaded into shipping containers. And then a tug towed the barge away.

Captain Mercer, our world cruise captain who disembarked in Manila as his contract ended, confirmed unofficially that our luggage was on the Gulf Bridge.

After making an arc north along the Pacific Rim, it will head for the states. I call it the slow boat from China.

A few days later, Holland America confirmed that our bags are on their way home. I’m following the ship on my Marine Traffic phone app.

I’m sure I will be surprised by what’s in the bag. Shoot, I can’t even remember what the bag itself looked like, as I bought it just before the trip. Fortunately, my cats Cooper and Callie posed on it as I packed last December.

This time I packed it hurriedly as we rushed to get home before international flights from Australia ceased. I kept swapping heavier things out of my checked bags and into the left-behind suitcase. I think it eventually weighed nearly 80 pounds.
Things I haven’t missed so far: Our gala gowns and dresses, my cold-weather clothes and most of the souvenirs and gifts I bought. I have missed my watercolor paints and papers, much of which I’ve had to replace at no small expense.
I know – in this crazy world of Covid-19, the fate of my suitcase is a minor inconvenience. But I have been jealous as it visits some of my favorite ports (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore) as well as countries such as the Philippines and South Korea that still are on my bucket list. Heck, it will even transit the Panama Canal before I will.
And what of the Amsterdam, after unloading our luggage in Singapore? I’ll write about its future next, but will just note that this morning it and its sister ship the Rotterdam exited the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea.

Love this blog post. I even got several chuckles from it. Wish we could have gone along with our luggage. But the logistics of getting food and the supplies would have been too much during this pandemic. At least our luggage doesn’t need to eat!
It’ll be Christmas in August when you open your suitcases. ?
What a story!
If only that suitcase could talk!!!
I have been wondering about the status of your adventurous luggage, Jo, so am pleased to see that you have been updated so you could in turn update the tale for your followers,
Thanks for your charming comments. I too wish we had travelled with our luggage. Can’t even imagine what they will smell like once they are delivered to our homes.
This is a once in a lifetime cruise experience. Never again!
Hope to receive and see our luggage before Xmas! ???
This is incredible! Thanks for sharing this interesting post, Jo!!
Fun to read and amazed it’s still coming home. Loved seeing your cats. I have a lynx point and a snowshoe. They are similar to you luggage kitties. Can’t wait to get back on the sea!
Thanks, Jo! I really enjoyed this. And yes, the Panama Canal is another landmark my luggage will reach before I do. So far, it’s beaten me to Africa, and to a Silver Medallion. I’m still hoping to see my winter clothes before the first frost hits Canada!
JO: I am enjoying your adventures and those of your luggage. Loved the photos and information about
Arkansas. Honestly, I hadn’t thought much about Arkansas as a place to visit.
I would keep wondering , “Why is this happening? It makes no sense.” It must make sense to
someone. I do hope you see the bag and its contents as planned.
It’s a really good thing Callie and Cooper got out before the trip started!
Too bad you couldn’t have attached a Go Pro to your luggage and at least have enjoyed watching the videos!
I enjoyed the blog, Jo. Thumbs up! I guess we get to travel vicariously, thinking of the luggage going to so many exotic places before we get there. And I loved the pic of your adorable cats. Great pic of a fond memory from only a few months ago.
You’re a great travel writer Jo. I really enjoyed your blog entry and I am so impressed with your ability do you follow both your ship and the cargo carrier as they make their loop around the world
. I too am a frustrated traveler, meant to go to Italy, Village at Lake Bracciano, then Cinque Terre and finally to my grandmas home town, the spas at Montecatini terme. So last night I was doing arm chair travel across the USA to unique hotel rooms: Treehouse.com, black feet culture camp.com battleship New Jersey.com NAPA valley railway inn.com
Just loved your blog and will continue to follow you for my escape of being locked up all summer.
Your new biggest fan, Jeanie
Hi Jo — Perhaps this is a weird observation, but reading this post and the one about the Amsterdam, I find there’s something so Maltese Falcon-esque here — that the value and the mystery of something increases as it travels from port to port. I hope it all comes back to you in the best way possible!
October 6, 2020. By this time the mass of un-needed things in our four 50+ pound suitcases have been on board some vessel or container for going on seven months.. I have extra underwear, tee shirts and socks, so I am set. Who needs the tux anyway? I loved the blog, especially the photo of the cats. Were they sizing up the suitcases as an upgraded boxes of kitty litter? Joe Oakes, among the dispossessed.