Cabin fever sets in, so we eat

Day 8, Grand Asia 2017

Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017 – At Sea

Cabin fever has struck the MS Amsterdam. Everyone talks about how good it will be to get our feet on dry land. I guess we would not have made very good explorers in the days of discovery. Today is our 8th day at sea.

This has been one of my favorite sea days. I followed my morning routine: up early, breakfast in the lido, watercolor class at 9 a.m. and America’s Test Kitchen cooking demonstration at 11 a.m. After early struggles with having no idea about watercolor techniques, I can see that I am making very slow progress. Regardless, I am having fun.

I drew a pen-and-ink scene of cherry blossom trees framing a Japanese pagoda, and then applied watercolor. If my mother were still alive, she would frame it as she did my first quilt block. I figured it was just to show the future me how far I had come. But as an artist herself, she always encouraged us to try. Her response to my complaint that “I can’t draw” was to say, “you’ve only given it an hour – how would you know?” Patience, my young padawan.

The kitchen demo today was Asian dumplings: potstickers and shu mai (steamed dumplings). After Chef Spencer’s tutorial, I might give it a try at home. The combo movie theater/demo kitchen has been standing room only for the ATK daily demos, so it pays to get there early. Every seat is a good seat due to overhead camera shots broadcast on large video screens.

Today’s highlight was the Sunday Brunch Sampler in the dining room. It was a three course meal with small bites of half-a-dozen items for each course. You would think with 16 different starters, entrees and desserts there would be some that didn’t measure up. But I must say I loved every one. Several fellow diners said they have taken multiple world cruises, and never experienced such an unusual and delicious brunch. The food has been outstanding. I left doubting that I would be interested in dinner. I ended going very late and ordering light.

The seas have smoothed out considerably and we had a sunny morning. Clouds moved in during the afternoon, and it was a brisk 50-something degree temperature on deck. I’m staying inside. In preparation for arriving in Japan in a few days, I watched Lost in Translation, which I hadn’t seen in years.

Tonight we turn our clocks back two hours AND then set the calendar ahead a day as we cross the International Date Line. Thank goodness the captain tells us what city to insert in our iPhones to bring us to the right time zone. Last night it was Honolulu; tonight it is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia.

Our good night quote: “I travel not to cross countries off a list, but to ignite passionate affairs with destinations.”